Radiocommunication Study Groups (RSGD)
The ITU Radiocommunication Study Groups
The ITU-R Study Groups develop the technical bases for decisions taken at World Radiocommunication Conferences and develop global standards (Recommendations), Reports and Handbooks on radiocommunication matters. More than 5 000 specialists, from administrations, the telecommunications industry as a whole and academic organizations throughout the world, participate in the work of the Study Groups on topics such as efficient management and use of the spectrum/orbit resource, radio systems characteristics and performance, spectrum monitoring and emergency radiocommunication for public protection and disaster relief.
The ITU-R Study Groups develop the technical bases for decisions taken at World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs) and develop global standards (Recommendations), Reports and Handbooks on radiocommunication matters.
ITU-R Study Groups are established and assigned study Questions by a Radiocommunication Assembly (RA) to prepare draft Recommendations, etc. for approval by ITU Member States.
Except for ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the ITU Radio Regulations, compliance with ITU-R Recommendations is not mandatory. However, all ITU-R Recommendations are developed by world experts in radiocommunications, thereby enjoying a high reputation and worldwide implementation, having the status of international standards in their domain of application.
Studies focus on the following:
- efficient management and use of the spectrum/orbit resource by space and terrestrial services;
- characteristics and performance of radio systems;
- operation of radio stations;
- radiocommunication aspects of distress and safety matters.
Furthermore, ITU-R Study Groups carry out preparatory studies for Regional Radiocommunication Conferences (RRCs). On the basis of the input material from the Study Groups, alongside any new material submitted by ITU Member States and ITU-R Sector Members, the Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM) prepares a Report on the technical, operational and regulatory or procedural matters to be considered by a given Conference.
Study Groups accomplish their work in cooperation with other international radiocommunication organizations. Particular attention is paid to the radiocommunication needs of developing countries.
More than 5000 specialists from administrations, the telecommunications industry as a whole and academic organizations throughout the world, participate in the work of the Study Groups on topics such as efficient management and use of the spectrum/orbit resource, radio systems characteristics and performance, spectrum monitoring and emergency radiocommunications for public protection and disaster relief.
Meetings and Events
Study Groups
Related Groups
Related Events
Related Documents
- CA/270 (Results of CPM27-1)
- Guidelines for the working methods (updated on 16.02.24)