ITU-R Blocks
ITU-R Blocks Collection

ITU-R Image (Clickable)
- Br-Blocks – V. 1.2.6 – A collection of ITU-R blocks for WordPress.
[ITU-R Accordion] – [ITU-R Carousel] – [ITU-R Cards-Contact] – [ITU-R Cards-Modal] – [ITU-R Code-Editor] – [ITU-R Floorplan] – [ITU-R Image] – [ITU-R Magic tools] – [ITU-R YouTube Playlist] - Requires at least WordPress v. 6.6
- Requires PHP 7.2
- GPL-2.0-or-later
- ITU-R Accordion v. 1.1.1 (last update: add Anchor URL Call)
- ITU-R Carousel v. 1.1.0 (last update: add Arrow and Autoplay option)
- ITU-R Cards Contact v. 1.0.0
- ITU-R Cards Modal 1.1.8 (las update: CSS Fixed)
- ITU-R Code Editor 1.1.0 (Stable version)
- ITU-R Floorplan 1.1.0 (Stable version)
- ITU-R Magic Tools 1.1.0
- ITU-R Youtube Player 1.1.0
- ITU-R Tabs 0.0.1 (in progress)
ITU-R Carousel

ITU-R Accordion
Accordions can be displayed open or closed. with different title size. Can also be open via an Anchre. (for exemple)

ITU-R Cards Contact
Cards displays contact with a title, a description, an email field, phone number and fax with small dashicone.

Mario Maniewicz
ITU BR Director
Biographie – descripiton – RichText exemple, This field accepts links
012 345 67 89
012 345 67 89
ITU-R Cards Modal
Modal opens in a responsive way according to the screens.
This block display icon crads, such as the icon cards of the ITU 2.1.0 WP Theme and to add content to them.
Backend Preview

ITU-R Code editor (print screen)
This block allows the contributor to add scripts or styles without removing tags

ITU-R Floor Plan
Add room category title and descriptions to display floor plan images.
Please, select Meeting Room / Other Area:

ITU Entrance
Entrance / Badges / ITU Shop
Backend Preview

ITU-R Image
Preview the Image block with the settings and option in backend.
Captioning can be a link.
ITU-R Magic Tools Table Search (By Table Anchor)
test 1 | 1 3 4 5 |
test 2 | 2 6 7 8 9 |
ITU-R Magic Tools Add Event Logo (3rd)

ITU-R Magic Tools Modify Primary Logo


to (with active logo event)

ITU-R Youtube Playlist
YouTube playlist creation by video url with customizable title.
1, 2 or 3 columns display possible
WRS-24 Opening Speech
History of ITU’s role in radiocommunication development
ITU-R Basics and Facts
Radio Regulations Board
Radiocommunication Study Groups
World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) Preparatory process
The ITU Radio Regulations
ITU Radio Regulations Software Tools
Network of Women for WRC27 (NOW4WRC27)
Overview of terrestrial services
Frequency Plans for Terrestrial Broadcasting Services
Frequency plans and coordination procedures for non- broadcasting services
Terrestrial Stations Notification of frequency assignments for recording in the Master Register and Plans
Harmful interference (Terrestrial services)
The main outcomes of WRC-23 related to terrestrial services
The ITU Radio Regulations
Broadcasting trends and Regulation
Overview of Space Services and Regulatory Framework
Regulatory Process for Satellite Networks/ Systems Subject to Coordination
Regulatory procedures for satellite systems that are not subject to coordination and Earth stations
Introduction to BSS & FSS Plans
Receivability of Space Notices
Technical and Regulatory Assistance by The Bureau
Space Sustainability, Monitoring and Interference Reporting (SIRRS)
WRC-23 Results — Space related
BR IFIC – Hub and Access Policy
BR IFIC — Terrestrial Services
Maritime Communications
ITU Maritime Publications and Maritime mobile Access and Retrieval System (MARS)
Harmful Interference to Terrestrial Services (HITS)
Cost Recovery for Satellite Network Filings
BR IFIC (Space Services) and ITU Space Website
e-Submission of Satellite Network Filings / e-Communications
BR Space Software and Databases
Backend Preview