Network of Women

in  ITU Radiocommunication Sector

The Network of Women for the World Radiocommunication Conference (NOW4WRC) is an initiative aimed at promoting gender equality and enhancing the participation of women in the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R). Aligned with Resolution ITU-R 72, NOW4WRC seeks to bridge the gender gap by encouraging women’s active involvement in policy- and decision-making, leadership roles, and technical activities in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), particularly those fields related to radiocommunications both in academia and in the professional ranks.

Current Activities

Mission and Objective

Promoting Gender
Equality, Equity and Parity

Encourage Member States, Regional Organizations and Sector Members to support the inclusion of women in all aspects of ITU-R activities including both domestic and international processes

Empowering Women in Radiocommunication

Emphasize commitment to creating opportunities, advocating for diversity, and actively enhancing women’s participation in the radiocommunication

Foster Diversity, Inclusivity and Leadership

Support capacity building and knowledge sharing to promote diversity and inclusivity, while creating leadership opportunities for women in radiocommunication

Related Activities and Events

Past Events