The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-23) on 15 November adopted a new resolution on gender equality, aiming to keep strengthening, accelerating and scaling up the active involvement of women in the work and activities of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R).

“This breakthrough resolution reflects the commitment of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector to gender equality and marks yet another significant step to enabling women’s active and meaningful participation in our work,” said ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin.

The adoption of the gender resolution was called for by the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference’s “Declaration on Promoting Gender Equality, Equity and Parity in the ITU Radiocommunication Sector.”

About the Regional Co-Chairs

Regional Co-Chairs of NOW4WRC27 have been nominated to:

  • ensure the initiative addresses the specific needs of women delegates from each regional telecommunication organization (RTO);
  • organize regional NOW4WRC27 activities to be held in conjunction with regional WRC-27 preparatory meetings;
  • promote women’s leadership in the regional preparatory process for WRC27;
  • involve and support women who may not be attending ITU-R Study Group and Working Party meetings. 

About the coordinators 

Coordinators from the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) have been nominated to:  

  • support activities of NOW4WRC27 coinciding with ITU-R Study Group and Working Party meetings; 
  • support implementation of the mentoring programme;

About the NOW4WRC27 launch

The launch of the Network of Women fulfils one of our commitments to implement the new (RA-23) resolution on gender equality and the WRC-19 Gender Declaration, which seeks to promote gender equality, equity and parity within the ITU Radiocommunication Sector. 

About the NOW4WRC Mentoring Programme 

Inspired by the We Lead initiative, NOW4WRC aims to increase the number of women participating in and taking on leading roles, such as committee chairs and conference chairs, in the technical conferences of ITU’s Radiocommunication Sector.  A key component of the initiative is mentoring.

3 main objectives of the NOW4WRC27 mentoring programme are:

  • to strive for gender balance among delegates;
  • to prepare women delegates in key roles for the upcoming World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-27);
  • to nurture the ITU community of women in terms of contributions to the crucial conference and the field of radiocommunications in general.

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