CCIR / ITU-R Study Groups celebrate 90 years

2017 marks the 90th anniversary of the CCIR*/ITU-R Study Groups’,
a testimony of global collaboration to produce universally applied regulations, standards and best practices and enable the sustainable development of the wireless ecosystem.Currently, more than 5 000 specialists, from administrations, the telecommunications industry and academic organizations throughout the world, participate in the work of the ITU‑R Study Groups on topics such as efficient use and management of spectrum/orbit resources, radiowave propagation, definition of future radiocommunication systems characteristics and performance, including fixed communications, aeronautical, maritime and land mobile communications, public protection and disaster relief, sound and television broadcasting, radiolocation, satellite communications and radionavigation, Earth exploration, meteorology, space science and radioastronomy.
As part of the celebrations, a series of events have taken place during the anniversary year of 2017, including:
- A High-level session of the WSIS Forum on “ITU enabling the wireless ecosystem” showcasing ITU-R Study Groups achievements at the Ministerial level which was held on 12 June, 16h30 – 18h15 at ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland.
- A dedicated session at ITU TELECOM World 2017 “Enabling and shaping the wireless ecosystem” which was held on 27 September, 16h45 – 18h00 in Busan, Republic of Korea.
- A celebration in honour of the 90th Anniversary of the CCIR/ITU-R Study Groups which was held on 21 November, 16h00 – 18h00 during the 1st ITU Inter-regional Workshop on WRC-19 Preparation at ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland.
Targeting primarily ITU membership, ITU-R Study Groups participants and delegates, specialized technical magazines, research institutions, media, ITU staff and the general public, these events highlighted the eminent role of the ITU-R Study Groups in enabling and shaping the overall wireless ecosystem and ensuring its sustainable development.
*CCIR – International Radiocommunication Consultative Committee