RAG Correspondence Group on Gender
We are very pleased to inform you that the Radiocommunication Advisory Group (RAG) Correspondence Group on the implementation of WRC-19 Gender Declaration is now established and we invite you to join.
The goal is very challenging and, as stated in the Terms of Reference, the work of the Correspondence Group will focus on the empowerment of women and gender integration in the ITU-R Study Groups and other entities.
Together, we can make an impactful difference!
How to join
- Participation in the ‘RAG Correspondence Group on Gender’ is open to any representative of an ITU Member state, ITU-R Sector member, ITU-R Associate, SME or Academia member.
- TIES access is required to participate in the ‘RAG Correspondence Group on Gender’ (mailing list and SharePoint).
- Click here to join the ‘RAG Correspondence Group on Gender’
- RAG Circular Letter 252 (Annex) – Terms of reference
- ITUNews blog by BR Director – Advancing the implementation of the WRC-19 Declaration on Gender – 8 June 2020
- Members Communiqué – Declaration on Promoting Gender Equality, Equity and Parity in the ITU Radiocommunication Sector
19 November 2019 – WRC recognizes need to accelerate efforts - Facts and figures 2019: Measuring digital development report: The digital gender gap
Lucia Luisa
- RAG Correspondence Group on Gender
- lucialuisa.lafranceschina@raiway.it