ITU Regional Radiocommunication Seminar 2023 for Africa
20-23 June 2023
Brazzaville, Congo
20-23 June 2023
Brazzaville, Congo

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa (PRIDA) are jointly organizing the ITU-PRIDA Regional Radiocommunication Seminar 2023 for Africa (RRS-23-Africa), kindly hosted by the Agence de Régulation des Postes et des Communications Électroniques (ARPCE) from the Republic of the Congo in cooperation with the African Telecommunications Union (ATU).
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- A pre-seminar web tutorial will be available on this website (please see Tab: Download Resources). This tutorial will provide the basic concepts of spectrum management at national and international levels, their links with ITU Radio Regulations (RR), ITU and ITU-R structures and functions, including the study groups and BR departments, and ITU basic texts, with emphasis on the RR and their associated Rules of Procedure (RoP). A good understanding of the pre-seminar web tutorial concepts is required in order to be able to participate actively in the Seminar.
- The first part of the Seminar will cover concepts related to international spectrum management and the procedures for recording of frequency assignments in the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR). This will be followed by a review of the agenda of the upcoming World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23). This part will also cover the current regulatory framework for international frequency management and the ITU-R Recommendations and best practices regarding the use of spectrum for both terrestrial and space services. This will include basic training on ICT tools developed by ITU for frequency notifications for those services and for the technical examinations. In addition, information on BR and BDT spectrum management activities will be provided.
- During the following part, hands-on workshops will be carried out on the use of these tools for terrestrial and space stations. These workshops will enable the participants to get experience with ITU notification procedures as well as with the software and electronic publications made available by the Radiocommunication Bureau to the Administrations of Member States and to the ITU-R Sector Members.
- RRS-23-Africa will conclude with a workshop: ”Wireless broadband (terrestrial and satellite)”. The sessions of this workshop are indicated on the Draft programme (please see on Tab: Information).
The lectures and discussions during RRS-23-Africa will be conducted both in English and French, with simultaneous interpretation (please note that some material such as presentations and software tools will be in English only).
The Seminar’s documentation will be available on this page (please see Tab: Download Resources). Given the amount of practical work expected during the workshops, participants are required to install the necessary tools on their laptops in advance; laptops should be able to perform the set of minimal specifications.
ITU Member States and Academia as well as ITU-R Sector Members and Associates are invited to attend the RRS-23-Africa. Attendance is free-of-charge for their representatives.
Advance registration of all participants is required. Registration will be carried out exclusively online and will require the approval of the corresponding Designated Focal Point (DFP) for ITU-R event registration. Participants will find the necessary information on registration at: www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/information/events.
Practical information for participants
All practical matters related to this event (venue, hotels, visas, etc.) will be available on this page (please see “General Information” on Tab: Information). For further information please contact: Jean Célestin ENDOKE (Celestin.ENDOKE@arpce.cg)
To encourage participation of developing countries and subject to availability of funds, one partial fellowship may be granted per eligible Member State of Africa. Priority will be given to candidates from Sub-Saharan countries.
Member States are encouraged to select their candidates taking into consideration the inclusion of persons with disabilities and persons with specific needs, bearing in mind gender balance.
To submit applications, please refer to “Fellowship” on Tab: Information. Deadline for applications: 05 June 2023 (23h59 Geneva time). Candidate Registration to the Seminar prior to submitting the fellowship request is mandatory.