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ITU Secretary-General

Doreen Bogdan-Martin took office as Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on 1 January 2023.

With over three decades of leadership experience in global telecommunications policy, Ms. Bogdan-Martin has emphasized the need for digital transformation to achieve economic prosperity, job creation, skills development, gender equality, and socio-economic inclusion, as well as to build circular economies, reduce climate impact, and save lives. Her historic election by ITU Member States in S​eptember 2022 made her the first woman ever to head the nearly 160-year-old organization. Known for mobilizing innovative partnerships, she aims to promote meaningful connectivity, intensify cooperation to connect the unconnected, and strengthen the alignment of digital technologies with inclusive sustainable development.​​

​​​Full biography
Video i​nterview

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Celeste Saulo
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Professor Celeste Saulo was appointed as the first female and South American Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) by the Nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (Cg-19). Her four-year term began on 1 January 2024. Prior to this, she served as the Director of the National Meteorological Service of Argentina since 2014 and was the First Vice-President of the WMO.
Professor Celeste Saulo has been the Director of the Argentinean National Meteorological Service (SMN) and Permanent Representative of Argentina at WMO since July 2014. She was elected to the WMO Executive Council in June 2015. She has been a member of the WMO World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) Scientific Steering Committee since 2011 and has served on various WMO panels related to her field of knowledge. She is full professor at the University of Buenos Aires and research scientist at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research.
As the Director of the Argentinean National Meteorological Service, she has pursued its modernization based of the three axes:  enhancement of monitoring, of quality of forecasts and of communications with society. Thus, she has given rise to interinstitutional and interdisciplinary effort and dedication to contribute to the commitments made by the country with regards to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sendai Framework.
Under her direction, the Argentinean National Meteorological Service has been a venue for various capacity development activities for Meteorological and Hydrological Services of developing countries, with a specific focus on training in accordance with the country’s role of Regional Training Centre.
Her intervention in regional and international activities is extensive, mainly oriented towards capacity building at the regional level and to the inclusion and integration of the younger generations of scientists in all relevant areas. A proof of that is the creation of the WMO YESS (Young Earth System Scientists) Office at the Argentinean National Meteorological Service.

Full biography

Celeste Saulo
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Mario Maniewicz
Director, BR, ITU

Mr. Mario Maniewicz was elected Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2018 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He took office on 1 January 2019. 

Mario Maniewicz is an electronic engineer specialized in telecommunications. He has been with the ITU for over 30 years, where he has served in high-level management positions in the Radiocommunication and Development Sectors as well as in ITU Regional Offices. 

As Director, Mr. Maniewicz is responsible for the management of the Radiocommunication Bureau, which organizes and co-ordinates the work of the Radiocommunication Sector whose aim is to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits.​

Mario Maniewicz
Director, BR

Nikhil Seth
United Nations Assistant Secretary-General,
Executive Director, UNITAR

Mr. Nikhil Seth joined UNITAR as its Executive Director on Oct 1, 2015. During his term UNITAR has grown significantly in the number of beneficiaries of its services and its work has been aligned to the pillars of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

Before assuming the post of the UNITAR Executive Director, Nikhil Seth was the Director of the Division for Sustainable Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) at the United Nations Secretariat in New York. In this role he served as head of the Rio+20 secretariat and of the secretariat for the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, spearheading the preparations for these conferences in Rio, Brazil, and Apia, Samoa. He was also closely engaged in coordinating and advancing their follow-up.

In the United Nations Mr. Seth served as the Director for ECOSOC, Secretary of the Economic and Financial Committee (2nd Committee), Secretary of ECOSOC and with the USG of DESA. He was closely involved with many of the Summits and Conferences of the 1990’s – as a delegate from India and as part of the support secretariat.

Nikhil Seth
United Nations Assistant Secretary-General,
Executive Director, UNITAR

Ms Jane Nkechi Egerton-Idehen
Managing Director/CEO of Nigerian Communications Satellite (NIGCOMSAT)

Nkechi Jane Egerton-Idehen is an energetic leader in the telecommunications industry, currently serving as the Managing Director/CEO of Nigerian Communications Satellite (NIGCOMSAT) Limited. With a strong engineering background from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and further education from Warwick Business School, Harvard Business School, and Yale School of Management, she’s amassed over 17 years of experience in African telecommunications.

Throughout her career, Jane has held diverse roles in companies like Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Networks, showcasing her ability to manage stakeholders, build teams, and drive business growth. Beyond her technical prowess, she’s a staunch advocate for women in STEM, founding initiatives like Women & Career to support female leaders and inspire young girls.

In March 2020, Egerton-Idehen authored “Be Fearless: Give Yourself Permission To Be You,” empowering women to excel in STEM careers. The book’s success, reaching bestseller status in seven Amazon categories, shows its impact. Despite her busy schedule, she remains connected to her Nigerian heritage, continuing to uplift and empower women in STEM through her initiatives and leadership.

Ms Jane Nkechi Egerton-Idehen
CEO of Nigerian Communications Satellite (NIGCOMSAT)

Steven Rutgers
Chief Commercial Officer
of Arianespace

He began his career in the space industry over two decades ago at Satellite operators and distributors such as Inmarsat and Stratos, based in Europa, Middle East, and Asia.

Steven Rutgers joined Arianespace in January 2023 and he is driving to Arianespace’s business growth by developing partnerships with an international customer base in the
satellite industry.

He holds a degree from the International School of Economics and Management in Rotterdam.

Steven Rutgers
Chief Commercial Officer
of Arianespace

Mike Lindsay
Group Chief Technology Officer
Astroscale’s Group

As Astroscale’s Group Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Mike Lindsay drives the company’s overarching technical strategy for future services and mission architectures.

Mike brings 15 years’ experience across both commercial and government sectors within the space industry. Before joining Astroscale, he served as Director of Spectrum Architecture at OneWeb, optimizing spacecraft and constellation performance while balancing regulatory compliance and spectrum efficiency. Prior to OneWeb, Mike held mission design and systems engineering roles at Google and NASA in Silicon Valley.

Throughout his career, Mike has remained committed to fostering sustainable development in space. At OneWeb, this dedication inspired him to spearhead initiatives integrating deorbit interfaces across the entire satellite fleet, ensuring a proactive approach to space debris mitigation. This vision subsequently propelled him to embrace a leadership role at Astroscale, where he continues to drive innovations in sustainable technologies and best practices.
Mike holds a Master’s degree in Space Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan.

Mike Lindsay
Astroscale’s Group

Eng. Mohammad AlJanoobi
Deputy Governor of Radio Spectrum at CST
Saudi Arabia

Eng. Mohammad AlJanoobi
Deputy Governor of Radio Spectrum at CST
Saudi Arabia

Valeriu Ștefan
President – Romania

Valeriu Ștefan ZGONEA has taken the position of president of ANCOM starting 11 May 2023 for a 6 year-term. Mr. Zgonea has activated within the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (ICI Bucharest) during 2018-2023 and has held four mandates of deputy in the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament between 2000-2016.

In the 2000-2004 parliamentary term, he was a member of the Committee for Information Technologies and Communications, while from 2006 to 2016 he held the posts of quaestor and secretary of the Chamber of Deputies. Furthermore, Mr. Zgonea has been Vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies between 2010 and 2012, then President of the Chamber of Deputies in the 2012 – 2016 parliamentary term.

Valeriu Ștefan Zgonea graduated from the National Institute of Constructions and has various specializations in cyber diplomacy and infrastructures in the context of digitalization at education institutions such as European Security and Defence College, King’s College and George Marshall European Center for Security Studies and N.E.S.A.

Valeriu Ștefan
President – Romania

Mrs. Aarti Holla-Maini
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

Aarti Holla-Maini is the Director of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), having taken up post on September 18 following her appointment by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.

Ms. Holla-Maini brings over 25 years of experience in the space and satellite sector, working predominantly with international organizations and regulators. Prior to the United Nations, she held the post of SecretaryGeneral of the Global Satellite Operators Association.

Ms. Holla-Maini is a recognized leader with a strong track record in forging public-private and cross-sector partnerships; high-level advocacy at the international level; strategic communication and managing diverse stakeholders. Under her leadership, Ms. Holla-Maini expanded the association from being a regional organization to a global one representing commercial satellite operators around the world.

She was one of the chief architects of the Crisis Connectivity Charter established in 2015 for emergency telecommunications via satellite with the UN World Food Programme’s Emergency Telecommunications Cluster and has, on multiple occasions, secured recognition and policy support for space technologies to play their rightful role in connecting the unconnected, in Europe, Africa and beyond.

The appointment of Ms. Holla-Maini comes at a time when activities in space are being increasingly driven by the private sector. Her deep experience in high-level advocacy with international organizations and regulators, along with her understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing the space sector, will serve Member States well as they seek to access and leverage the benefits of space to accelerate sustainable development.

Ms. Holla-Maini’s experience has included service as a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Space; member of the Advisory Group of the Space Sustainability Rating managed by eSpace at EPFL Space Center; member of the Advisory Board of the Satellite Industry Association of India; Senior Space Policy Advisor to Forum Europe and an Expert Advisor on Space Traffic Management for European Union studies 2021-2023.

Ms. Holla-Maini holds a bachelor’s degree in law with German law from Kings College London and a master’s degree in business administration from HEC in France. She is fluent in French, German and Punjabi alongside her native English and has moderate knowledge of Dutch.

Mrs. Aarti Holla-Maini
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

Isabelle Mauro
Director General GSOA
(Global Satellite Operators Association)

Isabelle Mauro is Director General of the Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA) that represents the interests of the satellite industry ecosystem. Under Isabelle’s leadership, GSOA and its member CEOs lead the effort to showcase the benefits of satellite communications for a more inclusive, sustainable and secure society – vital to bridging the world’s digital divide, achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and realizing the full potential of the 5G & 6G ecosystem.

Isabelle has 25 years’ experience in the Telecoms and Technology sector, starting at the GSMA, where she was responsible for International & External Affairs for fifteen years. In 2015 she moved to New York to join the World Economic Forum as Head of the Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) Industry, managing the portfolio of over 60 Tech companies globally and leading initiatives on inclusive and sustainable digital transformation. Isabelle is passionate about inclusion and sustainability.

She is a Commissioner of the UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development. Isabelle is also Member of the Advisory Board of Access Partnership and of the High-Level Advisory Board of the DigitalGoesGreen Foundation. She also sits on the Advisory Board of Women in Tech. Isabelle holds an MSc in European Politics and Policy from the London School of Economics. She is fluent in French, English, Italian and Spanish.

Isabelle Mauro
Director General

Mr. ISHII Yasuo
Senior Vice President
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) 

As of April 1, 2024, Mr. ISHII Yasuo was appointed as JAXA Senior Vice President.
Prior to this, Mr. Ishii was JAXA Vice President. Mr. Ishii has held a number of senior management positions at JAXA, including Director of Strategic Planning and Management Department, Director of Research Strategy Department, Director of Management and Integration Department at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), and Director of Bonn Office in Germany.
Mr. Ishii joined JAXA (formerly the National Space Development Agency of Japan) in 1986 and started his career as an engineering researcher in thermal and structural engineering for space systems. He then worked as a project engineer for the development of the Manipulator Flight Demonstration on the Space Shuttle (STS-85) and the Japanese Experiment Module, KIBO. He worked as a sub-project manager of earth observation satellites, as well.
Mr. Ishii received his Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1984 and 1986, respectively.

Mr. ISHII Yasuo
Senior Vice President

Raul Kulichevsky
Executive and Technical Director, National Commission of Space Activities (CONAE)

Executive and Technical Director of National Commission of Space Activities (CONAE) of Argentina since June 2018.
He is an Aeronautical Engineer graduated from the National University of La Plata (UNLP) and holds a Master in Materials Science and Technology from the Sábato Institute of the University of San Martín (UNSAM). He is a specialist in Vibration Analysis, holds a Diploma in Integral Quality Management and is a Certified Quality Engineer (CQE). In his professional career he has carried out technological projects for the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA), as head of Instrumentation and Operations of the Group of Studies and Tests of Structural Components – ENDE Activity Unit. He was also Deputy Head of the Sub-Project “Antenna Radar of Synthetic Aperture” (ARAS) in the framework CNEA-CONAE Agreement for the development and manufacture of the structure and mechanisms of the SAR radar antenna of the SAOCOM Project, Earth observation satellites with microwave radar of CONAE.
Within the private sector he worked in I.D. ENGINEERING S.A. as leader of the Working Group in services for companies such as Pirelli S.A.; Massuh S.A.; SIAT (Tenaris Group).
In the space area he has developed specific projects for CONAE, as Head of the Flight Segment of the SAOCOM Project, Project Manager of the SARE 2A Project (segmented architecture satellites) and Head of the Payload development for the Technological version of the Tronador II Vehicle, the Argentine satellite launcher project.

Raul Kulichevsky
Executive and Technical Director, National Commission of Space Activities (CONAE)

Dr. S. Somanath
Chairman, ISRO

Dr. S. Somanath is a Distinguished Scientist (Apex Grade) and  Secretary, Department of Space (DoS), Chairman, Space Commission and Chairman, ISRO since 14 January 2022. Dr. S. Somanath having a career spanning nearly 38 years, is an expert in the field of space technology and systems engineering of launch vehicles and has made significant contributions in many areas.

As Secretary of DoS, he piloted the National Space Policy, facilitated IN-SPACe activation, engagement of ISRO with NGPE and start-ups in space sector and enabled NSIL to aggregate user demands, take up commercial activities including Launch vehicle production and spacecraft operations. Chandrayaan-3 landing near the south pole of Moon was a great success under his leadership. The Aditya-L1, XpoSat, INSAT-3DS, NVS-01, Oceansat, GSAT-24 and commercial PSLV & LVM3-OneWeb missions are some of the recent successes. Under his leadership Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) and Test Vehicle (TV) were developed and landing experiments of the Re-usable Launch Vehicle (RLV-LEX) was accomplished. He plays a crucial role in the architecture of Gaganyaan program for sending Indians to Space and achieved the first Test Vehicle flight for mission abort demonstration. Currently he is focussed on the Space Vision-2047 missions including Gaganyaan, Chandrayaan-C and other exploration missions, Bharatiya Antariksha Station development and human mission to Moon.

As Director of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) during 2018-21, he was responsible for Launch vehicle technology development where, LVM3-M1/Chandrayaan-2 mission was a major accomplishment. He spearheaded the development of critical systems for the Gaganyaan programme, development of Small Satellite Launch Vehicle, Re-usable Launch Vehicle & Air-Breathing technology programs. He was the Director of  Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) during 2015-18 where, the development and qualification of C25 stage was completed and successfully flown in LVM3-D1 flight. He was the Project Director when the Experimental flight of LVM3-X/CARE mission was successfully accomplished on 18th December, 2014.

Dr. S. Somanath took his B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering from TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Masters in Aerospace Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and PhD from IITM Chennai. He has been bestowed with many Honorary Doctorates from universities including, Centurion, Karunya, Satyabhama, SRM, Uttarakhand, Sarada Birla, Bangalore, JNTU, KUHS, Amity & DY Patil Vidyapeeth.

He is a Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), Fellow of Indian National Academy of Science (INSA), Fellow of Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI), Astronautical Society of India (ASI) and a member of International Academy of Astronautics (IAA). He is the President (Elect) of AeSI and President of Society of Aerospace Quality and Reliability (SAQR). National Aeronautics Prize from AeSI, Space gold medal from ASI, Gold medal from Aerospace Engineering Department, Platinum Jubilee award and Distinguished alumni award of IISc, Bangalore, Distinguished fellow award from IIT Kanpur and Karnataka Rajyotsava award were presented to him.

He has published papers in journals and conferences in the area of structural dynamics and control, materials modelling, dynamic analysis of separation mechanisms, vibration and acoustic testing, launch vehicle design and launch services management. Dr. S. Somanath has been a delegate to UN-COPUOS, vice President of International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and participated in International Astronautical Congress (IAC) held at different countries. 

Dr. S. Somanath
Chairman, ISRO

H.E. Al Tamimi
Governor CST
Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammed Altamimi, Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) and Acting CEO of the Saudi Space Commission (SSC), has extensive experience in organizational governance, politics, and competitive economics, and is recognized as a global expert in wireless networks and cloud computing.

Prior to taking on the Governorship at the CITC, Dr. Altamimi served the organization as Deputy Governor for Regulation and Competition and acting Deputy Governor for Consumer Protection and Partnership.

A prominent contributor to the international discourse in the field of wireless technology. He has been instrumental in the establishment of a number of specialized research societies in Saudi Arabia, including the Saudi Association for Information Security (Hemaya) where he sits on the board of directors, and his work with the CITC has seen him spearhead the preparation of systems, legislation, and regulations in the telecommunications and information technology sector in Saudi Arabia.

Among his many academic achievements, Dr. Altamimi has published several scientific papers in the field of telecommunications engineering and organizational economics. He is the vice president of a research group specializing in wireless networks, next-generation networks, and cloud computing at the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva. He also sits on the board of the Saudi Space Commission and the Saudi Broadcasting Authority.

Dr. Altamimi graduated from Harvard University’s Leadership Development program and holds a Ph.D. in telecommunications and networking from the University of Pittsburgh in the USA, a master’s degree in communications technology and policy from the University of Strathclyde in the UK, and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals in Saudi Arabia.

H.E. Al Tamimi
Governor CST
Saudi Arabia

Joanne C. Wilson
BR Deputy Director (Moderator)

Joanne Wilson is an electrical engineer with over 35 years of experience in telecommunications, including over 30 years of involvement in the International Telecommunication Union.   
Ms. Wilson is the Deputy to the Director of ITU Radiocommunication Bureau & Chief of the Informatics, Administration &Publications Department.  As Deputy Director, she assists and advises the BR Director in the direction and management of the Bureau and leads the BR’s preparation for its major conferences, organizes and is the secretary to the ITU Radiocommunication Advisory Group (RAG) and organizes the biannual World Radiocommunication Seminars.  She led the ITU’s conference preparations and was the Executive and Plenary Secretary of the 2019 and 2023 World Radiocommunication Conferences, held in Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) and Dubai (UAE), respectively. 
As Chief of the IAP Department, she is responsible for the organization and direction of the work performed by the department, including the development and maintenance of major software applications used by the BR for the processing of frequency assignment notifications; all BR communications and publications; ITU-R event support; as well as supporting the human resource and financial management of the bureau.
Before joining the ITU, from 2010-2019 Ms. Wilson represented NASA on US delegations to world conferences and meetings across all sectors of the ITU.  
In 2014, Ms. Wilson was elected to the Radio Regulations Board (RRB) for the 2015-2018 term and served as its 2018 Vice Chairman.  As an RRB member, Ms. Wilson was an advisor to both the 2015 Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-15) and the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15).
From 2001 – 2007, as VP of Standards (ArrayComm), Ms. Wilson and her team developed and executed successful standardization strategies for commercial mobile broadband wireless systems in nationally and internationally recognized standards bodies.
For much of her career, Ms. Wilson represented various companies (AT&T, Lucent Technologies, and ArrayComm) in the ITU-R, in US regulatory proceedings and international negotiations on spectrum management, wireless standards, and other regulatory and market access issues. 
Ms. Wilson was a 1995 Brookings Institution Congressional Fellow, during which time she was a Legislative Aide to Senator Paul Simon (D-Ill) with a portfolio that covered African Affairs and Trade. 
Ms. Wilson holds a BSEE degree from Southern University (1981), an MS degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University (1982), along with further graduate study from Princeton University (1986)
Outside of work, Ms. Wilson is a member of the Board of Directors of Youth Service America, a non-profit whose mission is “to help young people find their voice, take action, and make an impact on vital community issues.”

Joanne Wilson
BR Deputy Director

Alexandre Vallet
Chief Space Services Department, ITU

Alexandre Vallet is the current Chief of the Space Services Department in the Radiocommunication Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), since November 2017. As such, he leads the team responsible for the maintenance of the international registry of satellite radio frequencies, which allows all countries around the world to coordinate their use in order to avoid radio interference in outer space.
Alexandre Vallet began to work in 2000 in the R&D center of Orange dealing with communications satellites. In 2006, he joined the satellite operator Eutelsat where he was in charge of regulatory matters. From 2007 to 2017, he was the Head of the Regulatory affairs and Spectrum/Orbit Resources Department at the French Agency in charge of radio spectrum management (Agence Nationale des Fréquences – ANFR).

Alexandre Vallet
Chief SSD

Charity Weeden
Associate Administrator for Technology, Policy, and Strategy

Charity Weeden is the associate administrator for the NASA Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy (OTPS) within the office of the NASA administrator. The office provides data- and evidence-driven technology, policy, and strategy advice to NASA leadership and supports NASA leadership in developing and guiding the agency’s activities across its six mission directorates.

As the lead for the organization, Weeden brings her extensive experience and background in space sustainability, and policy and regulatory issues to the role. Prior to her appointment as associate administrator in September 2023, Weeden served as vice president for global space policy and government relations at Astroscale U.S., a company that addresses orbital sustainability challenges. 

Charity Weeden
Associate Administrator for Technology, Policy, and Strategy

Jorge Ciccorossi
Space Sustainability Forum Convener – ITU

With over 25 years of experience in satellite communications and regulations at international level, Mr Ciccorossi has taken the following responsibilities:

– Acting Head of the Satellite Systems Coordination Division at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
– Chairman of the 22nd. International Space Radio Monitoring Meeting (ISRMM), September 2021.
 –  Spokesperson on satellites issues representing the Radiocommunications Bureau at the World Radiocommunications Conference 2023 and at the Radio Regulations Board 
– Counsellor of DG-Plenary at the CPM-2023 and WG-6C at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2012.
– Represented the ITU Radiocommunications Bureau at WRCs since 2003, as well as at several regional and international fora, including Space Debris Conference, CITEL, ICAO, International Astronautical Congress, Eurocontrol, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, Forum Europe, US Small Satellite Symposium, the Regulatory Expert Group of the ISRMM, IEEE and ITU Study Groups.
– Advises ITU Member States and Sectors Members on technical regulatory matters of space services.
– Responsible for the analysis of GSO and NGSO satellite systems submitted to ITU and the treatment of cases of harmful interference.

Mr. Ciccorossi has conceived the first (and unique) Intergovernmental Online Platform to Report RFI cases affecting Satellite System (SIRRS), assisting 193 ITU Member States in its resolution.
He holds the degree of engineer in electronics from the National University of Technology (UTN) in Buenos Aires, an Executive Certificate in Management and Leadership from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US, and has studied satellite communications and spacecraft design at the University of Surrey in the UK.

Jorge Ciccorossi
Space Sustainability Forum Convener

Yvon Henri
Chair of the Radio Regulations Board (RRB)

Yvon Henri has over 35 years’ experience in the satellite communications field and has worked on space policy and regulatory affairs in both the public and private sectors as well as in intergovernmental organizations at France Telecom (Paris, France), INTELSAT (Washington DC, USA), OneWeb (London, UK) and the Radiocommunication Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), in Geneva (Switzerland) where he was Chief of the Space Services Department (SSD) up to his UN retirement in June 2017.

Mr. Henri has been elected member of the Radio Regulations Board (RRB) at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Dubai (2018) for the period 2019-2022 and re-elected at the PP-22 in Bucharest (2022) for the period 2023-2026. He is currently Chair of the RRB for 2024 and President of YHConseil, a consulting firm, since June 2021

Yvon Henri
Chair of the Radio Regulations Board (RRB)

Dr. Ben LU
Senior Vice President SSST China

Dr. Ben Lu received his master’s degree from Southeast University in 1997 and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University in 2000. From 2000 to 2004, he was a research scientist at NEC Research Laboratory in Princeton, USA. From 2004 to 2009, he was a principal engineer of Silicon Labs, USA. From 2010 to 2019, he was a researcher at the Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since 2020, Dr. Lu joined the G60 constellation project and is currently the senior vice president of Shanghai Spacecom Satellite Technology Ltd. His recent interest is on low-cost general-purposed small satellite constellation with open source approach.

Dr. Ben LU
Senior Vice President SSST China

Victor Strelets
Chairman, ITU-R Study Group 4

Dr Victor Strelets has 40 years’ experience of scientific-research and technical and administrative work in the field of radio-frequency spectrum management. Since 1993, he has participated in the working parties and task groups of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector’s study groups and of the CEPT and RCC. He has taken part in various sets of negotiations and has headed bilateral and multilateral coordination meetings dealing with frequency planning and coordination issues.

Dr Strelets was elected to the Radio Regulations Board at the 2010 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, serving as the Board’s vice-chairman in 2011 and as its chairman in 2012, including during the Radiocommunication Assembly and the World Radiocommunication Conference. At the 2019 and 2023 Radiocommunication Assembly, Dr Strelets was appointed Chairman of Study Group 4 ITU-R. During his time at the helm of the Board and SG4, Victor Strelets demonstrated such qualities as a far-reaching knowledge of regulatory issues, the ability both to work as part of a team and to lead a team by uniting the members of the Board and SG4 into a single body focused on achieving maximum results by realizing the individual qualities of all team members, the ability to achieve consensus, and the ability to resolve difficult issues in a fair, transparent and independent manner.

Victor Strelets
Chairman, ITU-R Study Group 4

Patricia Cooper
President & Founder
Constellation Advisory, LLC

Patricia Cooper is a leading expert on satellite communications, regulation and space policy, and is the founder of the space consultancy, Constellation Advisory, LLC, where she advises smart space and satellite ventures and international projects.

For six years, Cooper led Government Affairs for the Starlink satellite broadband constellation project at Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX), where she secured Federal Communications Commission authorization for a record 12,000 satellites, and market access in more than 30 countries. She advocated for updates to spectrum, telecom competition and space safety regulations in the US and around the globe to support the coming generation of satellite networks. Today, Starlink serves over 2 million users worldwide with a constellation of over 6,000 satellites in over 70 countries.  
Prior to SpaceX, Patricia was an executive at geostationary satellite fleet operator Intelsat and as for nearly 7 years, President of the Satellite Industry Association (SIA), the leading trade organization representing U.S. satellite operators, manufacturers and service providers. At SIA, Patricia advocated in regulatory and national security arenas, for fair trade and competition rules internationally, and spearheaded a successful bipartisan, bi-cameral legislative initiative to reform satellite export control legislation. Previously, Patricia had served in both the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Commerce, and led international outreach at two start-ups, CoreExpress, an Internet fiber infrastructure play and PanAmSat Corporation, a disruptor in the early satellite services market.  

Patricia holds a Master’s Degree with Distinction in International Economics from the John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and a Bachelor’s Degrees in Political Science and German from Kansas State University (summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa). 

Patricia Cooper
Space Sustainability Forum Master of Ceremony

Amy Mehlman
Vice President of Global Affairs and Stakeholder Relations at E-Space

Amy Mehlman is the Vice President of Global Affairs and Stakeholder Relations at E-Space, where she leads partnership development, policy and all business and sales efforts with international and domestic governments, defense organizations, partners and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

She brings to E-Space a deep understanding of government and defense industry dynamics, satellite technology applications and the ability to navigate international regulations to ensure E-Space’s success on a worldwide scale. In addition to heading up the Company’s global defense business, her leadership extends to overseeing E-Space’s efforts to secure international market access and shape global policies focused on spectrum innovation and space sustainability. She recently spearheaded the Company’s latest delegation and activities at the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23).

Amy joins E-Space with a robust background in government affairs. She served as the Vice President of U.S. Government Affairs and Policy at Viasat, where her responsibilities included overseeing domestic and international policy initiatives related to satellite licensing, space safety and spectrum equality. Prior to Viasat, Amy held the position of President at Mehlman Capitol Strategies, a successful boutique telecommunications public policy firm. Additionally, she contributed her expertise at the Washington, D.C. law firm Wiley, Rein & Fielding, where she played a key role in assisting leading wireless, satellite, telecom equipment and broadcast companies in shaping and implementing the provisions of the historic United States’ Telecommunications Act of 1996.

Amy Mehlman
Vice President of Global Affairs

Josef S. Koller
Principal for Space Safety and
Sustainability Amazon, Project Kuiper

Dr. Josef Koller is the Principal for Space Safety and Sustainability at Amazon, Project Kuiper, a low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite broadband network with the mission to provide affordable broadband connectivity to underserved communities around the world. Using his decade-long expertise in space sustainability, Koller leads Amazon’s efforts to promote space safety policies, in the U.S. and around the globe, in support of the sustainable development of satellite operations in space.

Prior to Amazon, Koller served Systems Director for the Center for Space Policy and Strategy at The Aerospace Corporation and co-founder of the Space Safety Institute. He was also assigned as a senior advisor to the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, where he directly supported key national and international strategy efforts for space-related U.S. government and policy matters. His portfolio included commercial remote sensing, space traffic management, and related congressional affairs. Prior to that assignment, Koller managed and co-led more than 40 scientists in the Space Science and Applications Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He also established and led the Los Alamos Space Weather Summer School to promote graduate student research and outreach at the laboratory.

Koller has more than 25 years of experience in space sustainability, space science, space policy, astrophysics, and strategy development. He has authored more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications with over 1,800 citations. He is also on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Space Safety Engineering and has been quoted in a variety of media outlets including NBC News, New York Times, NPR Marketplace, Les Echos, SpaceNews, and Popular Science.

Education Koller has a Ph.D. in Astrophysics from Rice University and Master’s degrees in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Innsbruck, Austria.

Josef S. Koller
Principal for Space Safety and
Sustainability, Amazon – Kuiper

Professor Dr. Kai-Uwe Schrogl
President, International Institute of Space Law 

Professor Dr. Kai-Uwe Schrogl is since 2016 the President of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL), the global association of space lawyers in governments, agencies, academia and private practice from more than 50 countries.

He served from 2014 to 2016 as Chair of the Legal Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS). Kai-Uwe Schrogl works in the European Space Agency (ESA) as the Special Advisor for Political Affairs, He has written or co-edited 20 books and more than 140 articles, reports and papers in the fields of space policy and law.

Professor Dr. Kai-Uwe Schrogl
President, International Institute of Space Law 

David B. Goldstein
(Colonel., U.S. Air Force, Ret.)
Principal Satellite Policy Engineer,

David Goldstein is a SpaceX Principal Satellite Policy Engineer. In this role he’s an ambassador to government agencies on SpaceX satellite collision avoidance, space safety, space sustainability. He also leads SpaceX coordination with the Space Force’s 18th and 19th Space Defense Squadrons and NASA/CARA.
Goldstein graduated from the United States Air Force Academy with a bachelor’s of science in 1988. His career covers a wide variety of Air Force technical leadership assignments including satellite science and technology, research and development, test and evaluation, payload integration, system engineering, acquisition, and launch operations. After serving over 27 years in the US Air Force, Goldstein retired as a Colonel in January 2016. In his last assignment he was director of the Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate and Commander of the Phillips Research Site, at Kirtland Air Force Base.
Goldstein earned a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder and three master’s degrees. He has been married for over 35 years and has three children.

David B. Goldstein
(Colonel., U.S. Air Force, Ret.)
Principal Satellite Policy Engineer,

Ian Christensen
Senior Director (SWF)

Ian Christensen is Senior Director, Private Sector Programs at Secure World Foundation (SWF), a non-profit organization promoting the secure, sustainable and peaceful uses of outer space contributing to global stability and benefits on Earth. He is responsible for leading SWF’s engagement activities with the commercial space industry, where his activities focus on policy and governance topics in support of the development of private sector space capabilities: including topics such as space debris mitigation, norms of behavior for responsible space operations, and space resources policy.

Mr. Christensen was a member of the Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group, where he chaired the Group’s Socioeconomic Panel. He also served as a member of the Secretariat for the Consortium for Execution of Rendezvous and Servicing Operations (CONFERS), an industry group developing best practices and standards for commercial satellite servicing. Mr. Christensen also is currently a member of the Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities (GEGSLA). He currently serves as a member of the Federal Communications Commission World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee for WRC-27.

Prior to joining SWF, Mr. Christensen worked at leading space-sector consulting firms Futron Corporation and Avascent. In these positions he managed or served in lead analysis roles on market, business planning, and forecasting studies for numerous governmental and commercial space sector clients in the United States, Asia, Europe and Oceania. He also currently serves as a Fellow of the Institute of Space Commerce.
Prior to Futron, Mr. Christensen was a research assistant at the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University, a Policy Fellow at the National Academies of Science Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy, and a research assistant at the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center. Mr. Christensen holds a Master of Arts (M.A.) in international science and technology policy, focusing on space policy from the George Washington University Elliott School for International Affairs. He holds dual Bachelor’s of Science (B.S.) degrees in political science and biochemistry from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He also completed the International Space University (ISU) 2007 Space Studies Program in Beijing, China.

Ian Christensen
Senior Director
Secure World Foundation

Mario Neri
Responsible for directing Telesat’s strategy

With more than 15 years of experience in the satellite industry, Mario Neri is responsible for directing Telesat’s strategy and innovation for the use of spectrum and orbital resources. Mario is also Telesat’s lead on policies related to the sustainable use of space.
In his previous role as Director, International Coordination, Mario was responsible for securing the spectrum and orbital resources for Telesat’s Low Earth Orbit satellite constellation, including coordinating access to these scarce resources by engaging other satellite operators and government agencies. Mario has assumed various leading roles on satellite issues at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), including chairing WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.5 and WRC-23 Agenda Item 1.16 related to earth stations in motion communicating with GSO and non-GSO satellites in the Ka-band, respectively.
Before Telesat, Mario led the team at UK communications regulator Ofcom that was responsible for managing the ITU filings for more than 20 stakeholders and collaborating with the rest of the Satellite & Space Science team for regulating the spectrum used by the various space applications in the UK. Mario joined Ofcom after working for Eutelsat and Inmarsat, two of the world’s largest global satellite operators.
Mario is a Chartered Engineer accredited by the British Engineering Council. He holds a BSc. and a MSc. in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Pisa (Italy) and a MSc. in Finance and Investment from Bayes Business School (formerly known as CASS Business School) – City, University of London (UK).

Mario Neri
Director, Spectrum Strategy and Innovation

Moataz AbdelAzim
Director of Sales for EMEA’s LeoLabs

Moataz AbdelAzim is the LeoLabs Director of Sales for EMEA’s defense, civil, and commercial markets. He leads strategic international partnerships, delivers a new generation of threat intelligence and augments national SSA sovereignty with commercial infrastructure. Previously as the commercial sales manager, Moataz delivered a portfolio of products for more than 70% of all active spacecraft to enable safe and sustainable operations.

Moataz has more than 10 years of strategic growth experience, prior to LeoLabs, Moataz led commercial and global sales for FreeFlyer at a.i. solutions. He holds a Global MBA from the Alliance Manchester Business School, and a B.S. in Aerospace engineering from Rutgers University.

Moataz AbdelAzim
Director of Sales for EMEA’s

Petra Vorwig
Vice President, Legal & Regulatory Affairs for SES

Petra Vorwig is Vice President, Legal & Regulatory Affairs for SES responsible for EMEA telecommunications regulation and SES’s global compliance program.  From 2015 to 2021, Petra oversaw SES’ telecommunications licensing and policy strategy in the US and Canada.

Prior to joining SES, Petra worked for the international law firm, Steptoe & Johnson LLP, in the areas of international trade and telecommunications.  Petra also co-taught Space Law as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center for several years.

Petra earned her Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center and her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Virginia. 

Petra Vorwig
Vice President, Legal & Regulatory Affairs

Saif Mansoor Mathkor Al-Khaldi
Corporate & Strategy VP
Es’hailSat – Qatar

Saif is an accomplished engineer with over two decades of experience in the energy and telecommunications sectors. He began his career at Maersk Oil Qatar before transitioning to Qatar Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa) as a Project Manager. Saif then advanced to Qatari Diar, where he served as Senior Manager of Cost and Planning for international projects.
In 2010, he joined Qatar Satellite Company (Es’hailSat) as Project Director, leading Es’hail 1 and 2 satellite programs. Saif was promoted to Vice President of Corporate and Strategy in 2015.
Saif holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from King Abdul Aziz University in Saudi Arabia and an Executive MBA from HEC Paris, blending technical expertise with strong business acumen.

Saif Mansoor Mathkor Al-Khaldi
Vice President- Corporate & Strategy
Es’hailSat – Qatar

Mr. Rodrigo Gebrim
Head of Spectrum, Satellite and Broadcasting at Anatel Brazil

Mr. Rodrigo Gebrim is a telecommunications engineer, with specializations in Network Technologies, in Public Management and in Public Law. With more than 13 years of experience in the public sector, he worked in strategic areas such as spectrum and orbit management, broadcasting, inspection of telecommunications services and smart and sustainable cities. 

Currently, Mr. Gebrim is the Head of Spectrum, Satellite and Broadcasting division at the Brazilian National Agency of Telecommunications (Anatel). He was also the Head of Brazil’s technical delegation at WRC-23.

Rodrigo Gebrim
Head of Spectrum, Satellite and Broadcasting
Anatel Brazil

Roser Almenar
ITU Secretary-General’s
Youth Advisory Board 

Roser Almenar is a PhD Candidate in Law at the University of Valencia (Spain), and serves as a member of the ITU Secretary-General’s Youth Advisory Board, representing Europe.

She is currently the Co-Lead of the “AI and Space Law” Research Group, hosted by the Space Law and Policy Project Group of the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), and contributes as a research member to the Working Group on “Balancing Innovation and Responsibility: International Recommendations for AI Regulation in Space”, under the auspices of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL).

Moreover, she is a research member of the Association for International Legal Research on Space Sustainability (ARIAS), where she also acts as Director of the Department of Institutional and International Affairs.

Roser Almenar
ITU Secretary-General’s
Youth Advisory Board 

Olga Mironova
Lead engineer, International Department, Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR)

Ms. Olga Mironova serves as the Lead Engineer in the International Department at the Radio Research and Development Institute (NIIR). In this role, she is responsible for international activities concerning fixed-satellite and mobile-satellite services, as well as national policies related to satellite spectrum utilization.

Ms. Mironova is an active participant in the working parties and project groups of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector’s Study Groups and of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications (RCC). She currently holds the position of Rapporteur for ITU-R Study Group 4.

With over a decade of experience in telecommunications, Ms. Mironova brings extensive expertise to her work. She holds a degree in Radio Electronics and Laser Technology from Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Ms. Mironova is also an author and co-author of numerous publications on satellite communications, primarily in Russian.

Olga Mironova
Lead engineer
Russian Federation

Elina Morozova
Executive Director, The Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications

Elina Morozova is Executive Director at the Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications, an intergovernmental satellite telecommunication organization which brings together 26 member states. At Intersputnik, she is responsible for relations with member states and the United Nations system, including the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and the International Telecommunication Union, and manages the International and Legal Service. She also takes part in the work of the Expert Committee of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly – Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications.

Ms. Morozova combines her career at Intersputnik with research. She teaches a course on international space law and telecommunications law at St. Petersburg University and is the author (co-author) of publications on satellite communications and other aspects of space activities in Russian and English.

Elina Morozova
Executive Director Intersputnik

Donna Bethea-Murphy
Senior Vice President of Global Regulatory

Donna Bethea-Murphy is Senior Vice President of Global Regulatory for Inmarsat. In this capacity she leads the company’s domestic and international regulatory policy activities. She has been appointed to the Federal Communication Commission’s Communications (FCC) Security, Reliability and Interoperability Council and to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee and National Telecommunications Information Admiration’s CSMA. She is also a Focal Point on the ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development. Preceding Inmarsat, she was Vice President of Regulatory for Iridium where she led all of the company’s global technical regulatory activities, including those related to policy, standards, licensing, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and spectrum. She was previously Senior Director of Spectrum Policy at PanAmSat Corporation. Prior to joining PanAmSat, she was Director of Technology and Regulatory Affairs for AirTouch Communications, where she developed and implemented technical regulatory policy for terrestrial wireless services. Prior to her position at AirTouch, she was responsible for international and domestic spectrum policy at the FCC. She holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from Clemson University. 

Donna Bethea-Murphy
Senior Vice President of Global Regulatory

Mr. XU Yanbin
Director General of the Spectrum and Orbit Resources Center
China Satellite Network Group Co. Ltd.

Mr. XU Yanbin is the Director General of the Spectrum and Orbit Resources Center of China Satellite Network Group Co. Ltd., and the Member of the Information & Communication Science and Technology Commission of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China. He has 30 years of professional experience in satellite communication sector, including spectrum and orbit resources management, satellite network coordination, satellite system design, as well as ITU-R studies. He played a leading role in many satellite projects, especially in frequency planning, payload design, harmful interference coordination and solutions. He also has extensive experience in ITU-R activities, including SG4, WP4A/B/C, CPM, RA and WRC. He was the leading expert of the satellite service issues of China’s Preparation for WRC-23, leading the preparation and study work for Agenda Item 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19 and 7 of WRC-23. He is appointed by the Chinese Administration to be in charge of the issue on sustainable use of radio-frequency spectrum and associated satellite-orbit resources, and were deeply involved in the discussion and development of the Resolution 219 during the PP-22 as well as the Resolution 74 during RA-23.
Mr. XU Yanbin holds a Master’s degree in Information Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a Bachelor’s degree in Astronomy from the Beijing Normal University.

Mr. XU Yanbin
Director General of the Spectrum and Orbit Resources Center
China Satellite Network Group Co. Ltd.

Jennifer A. Warren
Vice President Global Regulatory Affairs & Public Policy
Lockheed Martin Government Affairs

Jennifer A. Warren is Vice President, Global Regulatory Affairs & Public Policy for Lockheed Martin Corporation. In this capacity, she is responsible for leading corporate team’s engagement across the Executive Branch, Independent Agencies and Intergovernmental Bodies on Lockheed Martin’s regulatory and public policy portfolio, including spectrum governance, 5G, climate/sustainability, ocean minerals, commercial civil space, aviation, and emerging technologies.

Ms. Warren manages the Corporation’s trade association relationships, and serves on the Boards of the Satellite Industry Association (Chair), Professional Services Corporation, and the U.S. ITU Association, and as the co-chair of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Telecommunications and E-Commerce Committee.

In 1996, Ms. Warren joined Lockheed Martin from the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, where she served in several senior roles in the Wireless Telecommunications and International Bureaus. Before joining the U.S. Government, Ms. Warren worked for the Commission of the European Union – both in Brussels and in Washington, DC – with a focus on EU-U.S. trade.

She is a graduate of Georgetown University (B.S. in Languages) and Georgetown University Law Center (J.D.), and a member of the Illinois State and D.C. Bars, the Federal Communications Bar Association, American Bar Association, and the Women’s Bar Association. Her civic activities include the George Washington Legacy Foundation Board, President of the Gadsby Tavern Museum Society in Old Town Alexandria, and the Foundation of the National Archives & Records Administration.

Ms. Warren lives in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, with her husband Ed, and their puppy – Madison.

Jennifer A. Warren
Vice President Global Regulatory Affairs & Public Policy
Lockheed Martin Government Affairs

Audrey Allison
Senior Policy Analyst,
Center for Space Policy and Strategy,

Audrey L. Allison is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for Space Policy and Strategy at The Aerospace Corporation, a U.S. federally funded research and development center, where she provides policy and strategy support for government and commercial space activities with a focus on domestic and international policy, legal, and regulatory issues related to spectrum and orbital use. She leads the Policy and Regulation Focus Area of the Consortium for ISAM and Space Mobility (COSMIC).

She is also a long-time member of the Adjunct Faculty of the International Space University in Strasbourg, France, and is a Member of its Board of Trustees.
Allison was previously Vice President of Global Spectrum Management at The Boeing Company where she managed Boeing’s spectrum portfolio, and supported its aviation, satellite and space exploration businesses, including representing them at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).  Earlier, she was an attorney-advisor in the Satellite Division of the Federal Communications Commission’s International Bureau and at Iridium LLC.

Allison was Chair of the Satellite Industry Association (SIA) in 2021 and served on its Board of Directors for many years. She also was Chair of the United States ITU Association (USITUA) in 2009 and 2016 and serves on its Board. She is author of The ITU and Managing Satellite Orbital and Spectrum Resources in the 21st Century (Springer, 2014) and many papers relating to the ITU and its role in space. 

Allison earned a Master of Laws, with distinction, in international and comparative law from Georgetown University; a Juris Doctor from Catholic University of America’s Institute for Communications Law Studies; an executive Master of Business Administration, cum laude, from the International Space University; and a Bachelor of Arts on Communications from the Pennsylvania State University.

Audrey Allison
Senior Policy Analyst,
Center for Space Policy and Strategy

Kerri Mertz
International Business and Strategy
Slingshot Aerospace

Kerri Mertz
International Business and Strategy
Slingshot Aerospace

Dan Oltrogge
Chief Scientist and Director of the Center for Space Standards and Innovation
COMSPOC Corporation

Dan Oltrogge
Chief Scientist and Director of the Center for Space Standards and Innovation
COMSPOC Corporation

Federico Di Vruno 
SKAO Spectrum Manager
IAU CPS Co-Director

Federico Di Vruno is the Spectrum Manager at the SKA Observatory and one of the Co-Directors of the IAU Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference (IAU CPS). Before his involvement in Radio Astronomy, he worked in the space industry as an electronic engineer, specifically in electromagnetic compatibility and radio frequency interference of communications and scientific spacecraft. He has been involved in technical compatibility studies and regulatory discussions around Low Earth Orbit satellite constellations and radio astronomy since 2019 and represents the SKAO at the ITU Radiocommunication Sector as well as at the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).
Federico Di Vruno
SKAO Spectrum Manager
IAU CPS Co-Director

Federico Di Vruno 
SKAO Spectrum Manager
IAU CPS Co-Director

Dr. Tanja Mason-Zwaan
Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the
International Institute of Air and Space Law
Leiden University

Dr. Tanja Masson-Zwaan is Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the International Institute of Air and Space Law at Leiden University, and President Emerita of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL). She is Vice President for Science and Academic Relations of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF).
Tanja advises the Dutch Government and other institutions on space law issues and was co-founder of the Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group. The Dutch Government appointed her as arbitrator for space-related disputes at the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
She teaches at universities worldwide and is Global Faculty at International Space University (ISU). She serves on various organizations’ (Advisory) Boards, including Open Lunar Foundation, the Interplanetary Initiative of Arizona State University, and the Space Sustainability Rating. She sits on the Board of Editors of Air and Space Law (Kluwer).
Tanja is an elected member of professional associations such as the International Institute of Space Law (IISL), the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the International Law Association (ILA). She was a Member of the Founding Boards of the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) and of Women in Aerospace-Europe, and is an Honorary Board Member of Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC).
She is a recipient of several awards and is a Member of Honour of the Netherlands Space Society (NVR). In 2020, Tanja received a Royal decoration as Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau for her work in the field of space law.
See https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/tanja-masson-zwaan

Dr. Tanja Mason-Zwaan
Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the
International Institute of Air and Space Law
Leiden University

Antonino Salmeri , Chair
Space Generation Advisory Council

Dr. Antonino Salmeri is a space lawyer specialized in the governance of lunar and space resource activities. He holds four advanced degrees in law and currently works as Director of the Lunar Policy Platform (LPP). Dr. Salmeri is also the Chair of the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), Governing Member of the International Space University (ISU), and member of the Legal Advisory Council of For All Moonkind.
Dr. Salmeri is the author of leading international publications in the field of space law and policy, including a book on the Multi Level Governance of Space Mining, the Lunar Policy Priorities Report, the GEGSLA Recommended Framework, the Lunar Policy Handbook, the EAGLE Report, and The Hague Building Blocks. His contributions to the advancement of space law and astronautics have been recognized through several prestigious awards, such as the Young Space Leader Award of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and the Diederiks-Verschoor Award of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL).
Dr. Salmeri has a profound knowledge of the international civil society and youth communities, developed through his continuing participation and contribution to all major international events in the space sector, including the meetings of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the World Space Forum, the International Astronautical Congress. Throughout his career, Dr. Salmeri oversaw and contributed to the organization of over 50 global events spreading across six continents and totalling thousands of participants.

Antonino Salmeri, Chair
Space Generation Advisory Council

Karl Kensinger
Special Counsel in the Federal Communications Commission’s Space Bureau.

Karl A. Kensinger is Special Counsel in the Federal Communications Commission’s Space Bureau.  Previously, he was Chief of the Satellite Division in the FCC International Bureau and before that served in various positions in the Satellite Division.  Mr. Kensinger’s experience and expertise covers a broad range of satellite policy and licensing matters, including licensing of small satellites and satellite constellations, international coordination of satellite networks, radio spectrum policy, and transfers of FCC licenses.  He has been a primary FCC point of contact on orbital debris matters since 1995. Mr. Kensinger is a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School and the University of Chicago.

Karl Kensinger
Special Counsel in the Federal Communications Commission’s Space Bureau.

Kimberly Baum
Vice President of Spectrum Engineering and Strategy, Eutelsat Group

Kimberly Baum currently works for Eutelsat Group (formerly OneWeb) as Vice President of Spectrum Engineering and Strategy. Her role includes maintaining the spectrum rights for the company’s LEO satellite fleet, defining and executing spectrum strategy domestically and around the world, and acquiring new spectrum rights. She was recently appointed by the FCC Chairwoman as Vice-Chair of the FCC’s WRC-27 Advisory Committee. Prior to joining OneWeb, Ms. Baum held regulatory/spectrum positions at the FCC, EchoStar/Hughes, SES, and Motorola. Ms. Baum earned her Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Tech and George Washington University, respectively.

Kimberly Baum
Vice President of Spectrum Engineering and Strategy, Eutelsat Group

Dr. Emmanuel Bourdoncle
Project manager on regulation and sustainability of space activities at the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty
– France

Dr. Emmanuel Bourdoncle is project manager on regulation and sustainability of space activities at the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty (Directorate-General for Enterprise). Previously at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he represented France on the legal sub-committee of the CUPEEA, he is in charge, in coordination with the French space agency and the ministries concerned, of the development and the evolution of the French regulatory framework for space activities and the European discussions on the future EU space law.

Dr. Emmanuel Bourdoncle
Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty
– France

Callum Gray
Manager, Ofcom
United Kingdom 

Callum Gray is the manager of satellite filings in Ofcom, the UK communications regulator.  

He has been working for Ofcom for over 17 years and his experience spans from the licensing of Amateur, Maritime and Fixed Services to his current role of managing 300+ ITU filings on behalf of 40 stakeholders, ensuring compliance with the UK’s National Procedures and Radio Regulations.

Callum Gray
Ofcom, United Kingdom 

Barbee Ponder
General Counsel and Vice President of Regulatory Affairs
Globalstar, Inc.

Barbee has served as General Counsel and Vice President of Regulatory Affairs for Globalstar since July 2010. In this role he has directed Globalstar’s regulatory and licensing activities around the world.

Barbee has led the international regulatory effort required for the commercial introduction of the world’s first satellite direct-to-device service, now providing mobile satellite connectivity to millions of people globally. This effort included the expansion and licensing of Globalstar’s ground network now consisting of 28 gateway Earth stations in 18 countries.

Most recently, Barbee worked to secure the U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s reauthorization of Globalstar’s senior HIBLEO-4 constellation filing for an additional 15-year license term.

He holds a law degree from Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, Georgia and a Bachelor of Science in Management degree from Tulane University’s A.B. Freeman School of Business in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Barbee Ponder
General Counsel and Vice President of Regulatory Affairs
Globalstar, Inc.

Christine Joseph
Policy Advisor
Office of Space Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – US

Christine Joseph serves as a Policy Advisor at the Office of Space Commerce with NOAA and the Department of Commerce, currently supporting the Traffic Coordination System for Space (TraCSS) program. Prior to her current role, Christine Joseph served with the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology – Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics.

Her professional interests include space policy, aerospace human factors, and human-autonomy interaction. She previously worked in the aerospace industry as a human systems engineer with Aurora Flight Sciences. Christine has a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame and Master’s degrees in aeronautics & astronautics and technology policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

Christine Joseph
Policy Advisor
Office of Space Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – US

Dr. Khalid Alshathri
General Manager of Space Development at CST.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Khalid Alshathri
General Manager of Space Development at CST.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia