Mr. Ing. Pier Vicenzo Giudici
It is with profound sadness that we heared the passing of Mr. Ing. Pier Vicenzo Giudici, a beloved figure whose remarkable contributions are remembered in the global broadcasting community.He represented the Vatican administration at ITU for more than 50 years, since the GE75 conference and CCIR Mr Giudici was very active withing ITU and played a big role within the broadcasting community and the Study Group 6 (and its former SG 11).
He has been very active in promoting the digitalization of the sound broadcasting and contributed to develop the first DAB standard.
Within the ITU he was very well known, he has been Vice Chair of the CCV and RAG for two mandates, rapporteur of the CCV to Study Group 6 for about 20 years. Since 1959, he attended almost all the RA and WARC and WRC till 2012. more
Mr Alexandre (Sascha) Kholod
It is with profound sadness that we announce the untimely loss of Mr Alexandre (Sascha) Kholod, Chairman of the Conference Preparatory Group of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CPG), who sadly passed away during the weekend.Alexandre was an esteemed colleague and a valuable contributor to the work of the Union, particularly in the Radiocommunication Sector. His presence and expertise were highly regarded by the ITU membership and secretariat.
Mr. Alberto Carlos Méndez (1956-2022)
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of our dearformer colleague, Alberto Méndez, who passed away in the early hours of 16 May 2022.
Prior to his retirement in 2016, Alberto served as Head of the Terrestrial Services Department in the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (BR). He actively participated in several World Radiocommunication Conferences and greatly contributed to the revision of the GE89 and ST61 Agreements of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference of 2006. On behalf of the BR, he also
contributed to capacity building initiatives, particularly in the Americas.
Mr. Wladyslaw Moron (1932-2022)
It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of Wladyslaw Moron, a valued colleague and a long-time contributor to the work of Union, in particular its Radiocommunication Sector, who was very much appreciated by the ITU membership and secretariat.An internationally recognized radiocommunication expert, very well known by the ITU community, Wladyslaw was elected to serve as a member of the Radiocommunication Regulation Board during two terms (2003-2006 and 2007-2010)
Mr. Tom vonDeak
It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of Tom vonDeak on 30 July 2021. Tom was a valued colleague and long-time contributor to many ITU-R Study Groups and Working Parties for more than 20 years, in particular to Working Party 7C.Tom worked supporting NASA on U.S. Delegations and was also a Delegate to numerous World Radiocommunication Conferences. His legacy will always be remembered and he will be sorely missed. You may wish to leave a message for the family at his obituary page which can be found here. May he rest in peace.