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Badge Collection and Desks Opening Hours

All badges must be collected personally as a photograph will be taken and printed on the badge for access control security. Badges are therefore strictly non-transferable.


Pick up your event badge at the badging stations located at the Za’abeel Concourse 2

Opening Hours

The Badging Opening hours are available here.

Given the usual large influx of delegates on the first day, we recommend picking up your badge at least one or two days before the opening day or your first day at the conference.

VIP Badge Collection

Exceptionally for VIPs, a focal point member of the delegation, may collect the badge on their behalf if an ID photograph in a suitable format and the name of the focal point have been provided in advance to itu-r.registrations@itu.intno later than 31st October COB. The Focal Point must present a valid photo ID.

  • Format of the ID photograph: jpg, passport style, in colour and taken against a plain white background.


  • Without pre-submission of a suitable photograph VIPs will need to queue onsite and collect their own badge.
  • Each time one delegate’s badge is printed, any badge having been printed previously gets automatically deactivated.