Plenary Programme

08:00RegistrationITU Montbrillant Building Lobby

09:30 – 09:35Opening remarksMario Maniewicz, Director, BR5 mn
09:35 – 09:50ITU-R HistoryHeather Heywood (IS)15 mn
09:50 – 10:05ITU-R Basics and Facts Joanne Wilson, Deputy to Director, BR15 mn
10:05 – 10:25Radio Regulations Board (RRB)Edmund Fianko, RRB Member20 mn
10:2510:40ITU-R Study GroupsSergio Buonomo, Chief, ITU-R Study Groups Department (SGD) 15 mn
10:40 – 11:00World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC)Philippe Aubineau (SGD)20 mn

11:20 – 11:35Key concepts of ITU Radio RegulationsJoaquin Restrepo (SGD)15 mn
11:35 – 11:50BR Software Tool (RR5)Bachar Abou Chanab (IAP)15 mn
11:50 – 12:00Q&A Session10 mn
12:00 – 12:30NOW4WRC27 Special guest: Ms. Gisa Lematua Tagalo-a-taoa Fuatai PurcellMehtap Dufour (SSD)
Xiuqi Wang (SSD)
30 mn

14:30 – 14:50Overview of terrestrial services Nikolai Vassiliev, Chief, Terrestrial Services Department (TSD) 20 mn
14:50 – 15:10Frequency Plans for Terrestrial Broadcasting servicesIlham Ghazi (TSD)20 mn
15:10 – 15:30Frequency plans and coordination procedures for non-broadcasting servicesKarlis Bogens (TSD)20 mn
15:30 – 15:45Notification of frequency assignments for recording in the Master Register and PlansSujiva Pinnagoda (TSD)15 mn
15:45 – 15:50Q&A Session5 mn

16:10 – 16:30Harmful interferenceBen Ba (TSD)20 mn
16:30 – 16:50WRC-23 ResultsTerrestrial relatedNikolai Vassiliev (TSD)20 mn
16:50 – 17:10Trends in broadband radio technologiesKarlis Bogens (TSD)20 mn
17:10 – 17:30Broadcasting trendsIlham Ghazi (TSD)20 mn

08:30RegistrationITU Montbrillant Building Lobby

09:30 – 09:50Overview of Space services and Regulatory FrameworkAlexandre Vallet, Chief, Space Services Department (SSD)20 mn
09.50 – 10.10Regulatory process for satellite systems subject to coordinationCessy Karina (SSD) 20 mn
10.10 – 10.30Regulatory process for satellite systems not subject to coordination and Earth stations Chuen Chern Loo (SSD)20 mn
10.30 – 10.50Introduction to BSS and FSS PlansJian Wang (SSD)20 mn

11:10 – 11:30Receivability of space noticesXiuqi Wang (SSD)20 mn
11:30 – 11:50Technical and Regulatory Assistance for space servicesOmar Ka (SSD)20 mn
11:50 – 12:10Space Sustainability, Monitoring and Interference Reporting (SIRRS)Jorge Ciccorossi (SSD) 20 mn
12:10 – 12:30WRC-23 Results – Space relatedMehtap Dufour (SSD)20 mn

14:30 – 14:40BR IFIC – Hub and Access PolicyBen Ba (TSD)10 mn

14:40 -14:50Terrestrial BR IFICSaman Jalayerian (TSD)10 mn
14:50 – 15:05Maritime communicationsEmmet Ryan (TSD)
15 mn
15:05 – 15:25ITU Service Publications (maritime) and MARSGerman Medici (TSD)20 mn
15:25 – 15:40Harmful Interference to Terrestrial Services (HITS)Saman Jalayerian (TSD)15 mn
15:40 – 15:45Terrestrial Workshops OverviewBen Ba (TSD)5 mn

16:00 – 16:15Cost recovery for satellite network filingsAkim Falou Dine (SSD) 15 mn
16:15 – 16:35BRIFIC Space and ITU Space WebsiteXavier Laurenson (SSD)20 mn
16:35 – 16:50eSubmission /eCommunicationsKoichi Sumiyoshi (SSD)15 mn
16:50 – 17:10BR Space Software and DatabasesMiroslav Cosic (IAP)20 mn
17:10 – 17:20Space Workshop Overview and BR Space Software installationCessy Karina (SSD) + Miroslav Cosic (IAP)10 mn
17:20 – 17:30Closing10 mn