Space Services Department (SSD) News Support BR IFIC Cost Recovery Space Plans About Space Services Department (SSD) The Department is also responsible for managing the procedures for space related assignment or allotment plans of the ITU and for provision of assistance to administrations on all of the above issues. The Space Services Department (SSD) is responsible for coordination and recording procedures for space systems and earth stations. The Department handles capture, processing and publication of data and carries out examination of frequency assignment notices submitted by administrations for inclusion in the formal coordination procedures or recording in the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR). Structure of SSD Space Publication and Registration Division (SPR) Space Systems Coordination Division (SSC) Space Notification and Plans Division (SNP) BR IFIC Preface The BR International Frequency Information Circular (Space Services) (BR IFIC) is a service document in DVD-ROM format, published once every two weeks. The Preface describes the contents and the layout of the BR IFIC. More Space Plans information concerning planned satellite networks. In particular, information related to provisions for space services subject to a Plan under Appendices 30, 30A and 30B of the Radio Regulations. More SNL Online Space Network List online provides basic information concerning planned or existing space stations, earth stations and radio astronomy stations; also it gives information on the use of the frequency spectrum, on the occupancy of the orbits, on the reference publications and on pending networks. More SNS Online The Space Network System online enables access to the SNS database of the Radiocommunication Bureau. It provides the SNS data of planned and non-planned satellite networks. A TIES account or a subscription is needed to access the service. More Cost Recovery In accordance with Resolution 88 rev of the Plenipotentiary Conference (Marrakech, 2002) and Council Decision 482 modified (C2008), cost recovery is to apply to satellite network filings received by the Radiocommunication Bureau after 7 November 1998. More Space Support Information about electronic filing, space services publications and databases; also documents related to seminars and workshops organized by the Radiocommunication Bureau. More Tools e-Communications (for correspondence related to space services) e-Submission of satellite network filings SIRRS Interference Reporting Space software EPFD Statistics News Resolution 35 (for correspondence related to space services) Council Decision 482 (modified 2020) e-Communications (for correspondence related to space services) e-Submissions of satellite network filings BR IFIC NEWS Space services NEWS